Opening wood-aluminium windows

Opening Wood-Aluminium Windows

The opening version of Lammin wood-aluminium windows is an easy-to-use and attractive choice for home and cottage. The opening wood-aluminium windows are easy to clean and can also be used for ventilation if necessary.

Opening wood-aluminium windows fit everywhere

The wood-aluminium windows that can be opened are maintenance-free and can withstand Finnish weather conditions very well. They are energy efficient and effectively attenuate noise. With Lammin opening MSE-A windows, you get practical opening devices, blinds and insect nets pre-installed. The opening wood-aluminium window is our company’s most sought-after product, suitable for all kinds of buildings, such as detached houses, apartment buildings and holiday homes. All our wood-aluminium windows are manufactured according to your wishes and the special needs of your home (or other building).

Opening wood-aluminium windows are Finland's most popular window model
Made in Finland_Avainlippu

Opening wood-aluminium window is the most popular window model in Finland

The warmest wood-aluminum window (MSE-A) is a sure choice for almost any situation, and is therefore the most popular window model in Finland. The openable structure makes it easy to ventilate the home, and all surfaces of the windows can be washed. The emergency window also serves as an exit. However, a window model that opens to all spaces is not necessary. For example, when you want large and attractive landscape windows in your living room, a fixed wood-aluminium window is the best choice.

Lammin opening wood-aluminium windows last for decades
Made in Finland_Avainlippu

The maintenance-free wood-aluminium window lasts for decades

Wood-aluminium windows are suitable for both new and renovated houses, be it a detached house, a terraced house, an apartment building or a public building. The new windows combine good energy efficiency with the resistance to different weather conditions. They are an excellent choice when you want wooden windows to be built or renovated, which will last beautifully even from year to year, without the need for big maintenance. The opening windows can be individualized, for example, with window accessories.

Why choose Lammin opening wood-aluminium windows?

  • Easy to use and good-looking windows
  • Lots of individualization options from accessories to colors
  • Easy to open and wash
  • Possibility for an emergency exit
  • Finland’s most popular window model
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