Fixed wood-aluminium windows

Fixed Aood-Aluminium Windows

A fixed version of Lammin wood-aluminium windows is a great choice if the goal is to have large landscape windows in your home. Fixed wood-aluminium windows are also well suited for places where the windows do not need to be opened.

Fixed wood-aluminium windows make the home look good

A fixed wood-aluminium window is a safe and durable choice for every home. With wood-aluminium windows you get pre-installed practical accessories such as blinds. The fixed wood-aluminium window is also an excellent landscape window, as the window can be built larger than the opening window. The fixed window has a three-layer insulating glass element that holds heat well inside the apartment.

Fixed wood-aluminium window as large landscape window
Made in Finland_Avainlippu

Fixed wood-aluminium window is an excellent large landscape window

Large landscape windows that let in plenty of light inside are becoming increasingly popular, especially in living rooms. The fixed wood-aluminium window is at its best in such use. It is a suitable choice when there is no need to open the window, for example for ventilation. In connection with fixed aluminum windows, it is advisable to choose opening wood-aluminium windows, which can be used to ventilate the apartment and which can be used as an exit route in an emergency.

Lammin fixed wood-aluminium windows_MEKA
Made in Finland_Avainlippu

The wood-aluminium window lasts from one generation to the next

The wood-aluminium window is the most durable window type on the market. The aluminium-clad structure stays tidy for decades and requires no maintenance. Thanks to the aluminium cladding, rain or window washes do not allow wood parts to rot. The seals and fittings of the windows are of high quality, which is why the energy efficiency and sound insulation of the windows are top notch. We supply wood-aluminium windows as a turnkey service if you wish. You also get the blinds you want for your windows and other window accessories pre-installed, of course.

Why choose Lammin fixed wood-aluminium windows?

  • Suitable for large landscape windows
  • Possibility to individualize e.g. with different colors and accessories
  • State-of-the-art energy efficiency and sound insulation
  • Stay in good condition for a long time
  • The best window choice when you don’t need to open windows
Window Studio_design new windows

Design new fixed wood-aluminium windows

Design your new fixed windows in the Window Studio service.